Re: button press event

hamb ka wrote:

Hi, all

I have a problem of getting a button press event while left clicking the mouse. Right click gives me both the press and release event, but left click only presents the button release event... I am using a scrolled window with a clist by the way, the part of adding the signal is as follows:
gtk_signal_connect (GTK_OBJECT(self), "button_release_event",
   GTK_SIGNAL_FUNC(my_button_release), NULL);
gtk_signal_connect (GTK_OBJECT(self), "button_press_event",
   GTK_SIGNAL_FUNC(my_button_press), NULL);

The funny thing is that in the same application I have another code, which is scrolledwindow+viewport, and I defined exactly the same two events as I did to the scrolledwindow+clist. This one works perfectly. Both right click and left click raise the button_press_event and button_release_event....

What could be the possible factor that make the button_release_event fail with the left click in the first case?

Best Regards,

Every widget has an event mask. You might have to use one of the following:


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