Re: Language characters

On Mon, 2003-07-14 at 04:09, martyn 2 russell bt com wrote:
Can someone tell me why when I run my application in my locale (being en_GB
or en_US) I don't see chinese/japanese characters?

I have a list of contacts and one of them has his name in chinese.  I do not
see the correct figures, instead I see two blocks with the character codes
written in them.  If I log out of gdm, and then log back in using the
appropriate language, all the characters are shown correctly. Why?

No idea. You should never get blocks for a character if there is any
font on your system that can handle it; changing locale just changes the
order in which fonts are selected.

(Assuming that you are using pango-1.2.x/fontconfig/Xft2)


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