Count selected rows on a treeview...


i have a strange reaction when using gtk_tree_selection_count_selected_rows().

I have a treeview with mouse click notification (thanks to this list ;).
When getting a mouse click, i grab the selection with
gtk_tree_view_get_selection() and use gtk_tree_selection_count_selected_rows()
to have the number of selected rows (i.e to put in a printf).

The problem is that the first time i click on the treeview i get "row count = 0"
the next click gives me "row count = 1".

If i select 3 rows, i will still get "row count = previews value"...
I don't understand what appends...

Is the widget updated after the emittion on the signal to my callback function ?

David Goncalves - System specialist GenMC_Data Tier II
<david goncalves genesys com> -

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