Re: gtktreeview sooo slow

Mohammed Sameer wrote:
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Hi all,
The tree view is soo slow when adding large ammount of data, Is there a way to improve the speed ??
attached the code, Can anyone have a look and point me plz ?

I can give you a few reasons, and a few suggestions. Firstly, fetching from mysql is probably a fair amount of the speed problem. Combine that with TreeView's general suckiness its going to be pretty darn slow. As for fixing it, I can suggest a few things. You could fetch the data from mysql in a different thread, and when it is all available (I can't tell/remember if you're using the fetch-all-at-once or the fetch-incrementally mysql commands) feed it to the Model. You could fetch the data incrementally and see if that fixes things. You could not use mysql, but rather something with a bit more speed. More specifically, you could store the length,genre,volume,mode and track as numerical values, rather than character arrays. You could do something like this:

guint i = 0;

while (fetch row) {
        if (++i == 30) {
                while (gtk_events_pending()) {

        add row to list store

I've found that appears to speed things up a bit (and it may be just that, appears to)

Past that, I'd say deal with it *grin*


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