Re: gtk_list_store_remove

--- Jeffrey Goddard <moosewood mooseroot org> wrote:
i have the following code snippet:
      GtkWidget *week_select_store;
      GtkTreeIter *row_pointer;
      gboolean ret_val_bool;

      ret_val_bool = gtk_tree_model_get_iter_first    \
              (GTK_TREE_MODEL(week_select_store), row_pointer);
              ret_val_bool = gtk_list_store_remove    \
                              (GTK_LIST_STORE(week_select_store), row_pointer);

I receive this compiler error:
sql_functions.c: In function `clear_display':
sql_functions.c:1067: void value not ignored as it ought to be

Line 1067 is the gtk_list_store_remove line in the while loop.

From the API docs:

Removes the given row from the list store. After being removed, iter is set
be the next valid row, or invalidated if it pointed to the last row in 

list_store : A GtkListStore
iter : A valid GtkTreeIter
Returns : TRUE if iter is valid, FALSE if not.

So, to my way of thinking (which is, of course, quite possibly in left 
field:>)) this should be quite valid code and the compiler should not be 
whining about it. Anyone got a clue what's going on, and can point me in a 
direction to remedy the problem?
gtk-app-devel-list mailing list
gtk-app-devel-list gnome org

Change To this and check to see if it works.

        GtkWidget *week_select_store;  <== Make sure this actually points to a store.
      GtkTreeIter row_pointer;   <== This should not be a poiter !!! else you will
have to allocate mem.
      gboolean ret_val_bool;

      ret_val_bool = gtk_tree_model_get_iter_first    \
              (GTK_TREE_MODEL(week_select_store),  &row_pointer /* This should be the
address &*/);   
                ret_val_bool = gtk_list_store_remove    \
                                (GTK_LIST_STORE(week_select_store), &row_pointer  /* this again is the
address &*/);

 Let me know the results.

 Hope this helps.


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