Re: Gdk window

I'll skip the standard "you should probably be using gtk" disclaimer - I'm
sure you know what you're doing.

On Wed, Jan 15, 2003 at 11:05:12AM -0000, Sachin Dharmapurikar wrote:
gcc start.c -o start `gtk-config --cflags --libs`

First of all, are you sure you want to be using GDK 1? If you want to link
against GDK2 (which is probably a good idea), then you want to use something

    gcc start.c -o start `pkg-config --cflags --libs gdk-2.0`

(I think)

The program compiled without warnings or errors but, when I 
start I get a segmentation fault.
I am screwed a lot by this progam. Can anyone send me the 

the reason your code isn't doing anything is because you don't have a main
loop. I don't remember the syntax but you need to create a new main loop
object and then tell it to start.



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