Re: VTE terminal cursor question

Azrael wrote:

Hi, I've embedded a vte terminal widget into an application in order to
only display data, the terminal does not get focus, and so I am left
with the ghostly outline of the cursor.

I was wondering if there was a way to remove the cursor totally.

Ok, I'll assume you're using a bash interpretor.

first of all you might want to do:

export PS1=

that'll get rid of the useless command prompt.
and I sugest you read everything included by 
`.bashrc' for examples of shell options.

On a slightly related question.. is it possible some how to 'cover up'
the lower 2 rows of the terminal with some other widget? This would get
around removing the cursor, and also solve another problem I have.
I have no idea if such is possible... sounds like a nasty hack to me..
but am willing to deal with ick if needs be.

Widgets do not overlap unless they are toplevel.
it is possible to play with toplevels and
simulate the effect; but I havn't heard any
success stories.

you might try hacking at the `vte terminal widget'

Hope this helps,

thanks for any help


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Of all God's creatures there is only one that cannot be made the slave
of the lash. That one is the cat. If man could be crossed with a cat it
would improve man, but it would deteriorate the cat.

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