g_dir_open hangs?!

OK, next GTK+ question that I should really know the answer to ;-)

I have created the code below.  It's supposed go through a folder
recursively examining any subfolders and adding files to a GSList using
the classbrowser_filelist_add function.

However, if I run the function twice, once with
"/home/andy/gphpedit/gphpedit-0.0.45", then with
"/home/andy/gphpedit/website" it works fine.

dir_opened for /home/andy/gphpedit/gphpedit-0.0.45
dir_open succeeded for /home/andy/gphpedit/gphpedit-0.0.45
dir_closed for /home/andy/gphpedit/gphpedit-0.0.45
dir_opened for /home/andy/gphpedit/gphpedit-0.0.45
dir_open succeeded for /home/andy/gphpedit/gphpedit-0.0.45
dir_closed for /home/andy/gphpedit/gphpedit-0.0.45
dir_opened for /home/andy/gphpedit/website
dir_open succeeded for /home/andy/gphpedit/website
dir_opened for /home/andy/gphpedit/website/old-v1
dir_open succeeded for /home/andy/gphpedit/website/old-v1
dir_closed for /home/andy/gphpedit/website/old-v1
dir_opened for /home/andy/gphpedit/website/.xvpics
dir_open succeeded for /home/andy/gphpedit/website/.xvpics
dir_closed for /home/andy/gphpedit/website/.xvpics
dir_closed for /home/andy/gphpedit/website

The next time I come to run it (and I've emptied the lists and set them
to be NULL) it hangs after just printing:

dir_opened for /home/andy/gphpedit/gphpedit-0.0.45

This is the only line printed so it's the g_dir_open that's hanging.

Any ideas,

Andy Jeffries

void classbrowser_dirlist_add(gchar *dir)
  GDir *dir_iter;
  GError *error = NULL;
  gchar *file;
  GString *fullfilename;

  g_print("dir_opened for %s\n", dir);
  dir_iter= g_dir_open(dir, 0, &error);
  g_print("dir_open succeeded for %s\n", dir);
  if (dir_iter) {
    while ((file = (gchar *)g_dir_read_name(dir_iter))) {
      fullfilename = g_string_new(dir);
      fullfilename = g_string_append(fullfilename, "/");
      fullfilename = g_string_append(fullfilename, file);
      if (g_file_test(fullfilename->str, G_FILE_TEST_IS_DIR)) {
      else {
      g_string_free(fullfilename, TRUE);
    g_print("dir_closed for %s\n", dir);
  dirlist = g_slist_append(dirlist, dir);

Andy Jeffries
Technical Director            Internet Assist Ltd 
Tel : +44 (0)1621 840014      Fax   : +44 (0)1621 853959 
Web : http://www.i-a.co.uk    Email : andy i-a co uk

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