GtkList and GList......please...anybody???

I'm using Anjuta an IDE for Glade and using makefiles etc...What this does it allows you to build your GUI (visually) using Glade and all you have to do is write the callback functions behind the objects. The files that are automatically generated are:
All I'm wanting to do is have a list box where strings are simply put into it...Since Anjuta creates the code to generate your chosen GUI it generated the following for the List object:
(in the interface.c, but only relevant code is shown)
create_window_main (void)
    GtkWidget *list_shopping_list;        <- As I called the item "list_shopping_list" minus quotes, from inside the GUI editor
    list_shopping_list = gtk_list_new();
    gtk_widget_ref (list_shopping_list);
    gtk_object_set_data_full (GTK_OBJECT (window_main), "list_shopping_list", list_shopping_list, (GtkDestroyNotify) gtk_widget_unref);
    gk_widget_show (list_shopping_list);
    gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (hbox3), list_shopping_list, TRUE, TRUE, 0);   
And that's it as far as anything to do with the list box is concerned. Right...That was in the interface.c. I have then created my own file called "list_handler.c". In "list_handler.c" (minus quotes) I'm wanting a function that simply adds items to this list box that was set up in the interface.c file. If I can get that I'd be ecstatic. Please if you could help I'd be very grateful...
Thanks for your time,

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