Re: tracking mouse pointer

Tom Liu wrote:
This is my test program to handle the motion, the event->state tell you
the key sataus like shift or ctrl.

gboolean    butt_motion(GtkWidget *widget, GdkEventMotion *event,
gpointer user_data)
        int x, y;
        GdkModifierType state;
        gdk_window_get_pointer (event->window, &x, &y, &state);

        return TRUE;

This is wonderful, but you should have read my message more attentively.
I didn't say it didn't work completely.  I said this:

First of all, i would like it to provide feedback when the window containing
the widget is "popped" (i.e shown, deiconified, or maybe shown together
with its desktop etc.)  I tried to make "show", "map" or "enter-notify-event"
callbacks to call gtk_widget_get_pointer() and use its information, but
either that didn't work at all, or the coordinates were wrong.  Any ideas?

Another problem is that i use modifier keys (like Shift) to alter the action
performed.  This would in turn alter the feedback depending on currently
pressed keys.  However, i have to use events like "key-(press|release)-event"
instead of "motion-notify-event" (one can (de)press Shift without touching
his mouse) and those events report "lagged" modifiers.  I.e. event structure
for a "key-press-event" for Shift would still claim that Shift is depressed.
Is there some way to get proper modifiers, or do i have to do that by

Let me rephrase.

1) A window is shown in such a way that the pointer is over my widget.  What
   signal(s) do i connect to in order to make sure i update visual feedback
   properly in such cases?  Maybe "visibility-notify-event"?  What is it, btw?
   I can't see any description in GTK+ reference.

2) The user presses Shift key.  Is there a signal i could connect to and receive
   modifier flags with GDK_SHIFT_MASK set?

   For "key-press-event" it is set only after the event is propagated.  I used
   this callback for both "key-press-event" and "key-release-event":

        static gboolean
        gtk_goban_key_event(GtkWidget *widget, GdkEventKey *event)
          if (event->type == GDK_KEY_PRESS) {
            parent_class->key_press_event(widget, event);
            g_print("press: %x\n", event->state);
          else {
            parent_class->key_release_event(widget, event);
            g_print("release: %x\n", event->state);

          return FALSE;

   If i press and release Shift, i get "press: 10", "release: 11".  That is,
   GDK_SHIFT_MASK is set for _release_ event, while i would certainly like it
   the way round.

Paul Pogonyshev

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