using threads with GTK+


I'm going to use the following threads with GTK+:
  - thread 1 does all GUI job (widgets etc.) and launches more threads
    when needed;
  - threads 2, ... (launched by 1) do some time consuming computations
    and inform thread 1 once they are done so it can present the results
    to user.

The only thing i'm not sure how to implement is how to let thread 1 know
when one of working threads is finished.  Current best way i found while
studying GTK+ and Glib manuals is like this:

Thread 1 uses a new event source in its the main loop which pops events
from a GAsyncQueue.  Once a working thread finishes it jobs, it pushes a
structure onto the queue, calls g_main_context_wakeup() to wake thread 1
up if needed, and terminates.

This does not seem to be very hard to implement, but before starting on
it, i would like to be sure i didn't miss some more simple way of
implementing the schema above.

Paul Pogonyshev

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