Re: Problem with passing an array of integer to callback function

On Wed, 2003-12-10 at 17:18, Khai Doan wrote:

This does not work yet.  I need a flexible way to pass multiple objects (GtkWidget) to a callback function 
without creating structures.  So I tried to pass array of pointer (void *).  That did not work.  I tried to 
pass array of int, that did not work neither.

That's one thing I've always liked about libsigc++ (the signaling
portion of GTKMM (the c++ binding of gtk).  They have a very flexible
template object that can bind arbitrary numbers of extra arguments to a
signal handler.  I also have wondered about how to do something similar
(in a flexible and safe manner) in plain gtk.


Please look at the attach file, and tell me how I can pass array of something to a callback function.

Have a greate day!

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