Re: Gtk/Glade Beginner: widget lookup, text input etc

Sukrit K Mehra wrote:

    GtkWidget *localwidget = lookup_widget (button, "dialog1");
    (assuming button is a GtkWidget * and is part of dialog1)

This will return the pointer to your dialog1 widget.

What if the I don't have a reference button widget from same Widget
How can I get that reference? If it's too clumsy then how do I share
the data otherwise?

You should maintain at least globally accessable pointers to every
window (= roots of widget trees) you generate / open. These are the
references you need. The function to create a window or dialog usually
returns it (at least if created by Glade). I.e.
GtkWidget *pointer_to_my_window = create_my_window ();

You can then use "pointer_to_my_window" as argument for lookup_widget ()
(or widget_find_by_name () if you like, see

In your situation you should likely do something like this:

GtkWidget *source_widget_in_win1 =
        lookup_widget (win1, "name_of_source_widget");
GtkWidget *target_widget_in_win2 =
        lookup_widget (win2, "name_of_target_widget");
data = get_your_data_from_source_widget (source_widget_in_win1);
set_your_data_in_target_widget (target_widget_in_win2, data);

If your "win1" is being destroyed before "win2" is being available then
you would need to temporarily store the "data" somewhere, likely in a
globally accessable temporary buffer which survives destruction of
"win1" and can be queried and freed when "win2" is available.

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