Re: Glib2.0

On Mon, 1 Dec 2003, Mee Com wrote:

Thanks for your advise.But I ever tried to use GTK2.0 before GTK1.2
since I first time use GTK but it can't work,I don't know why,I
already download GTK2.0 to my PC ande extract file but don't know
why when I type command gtk-config --version on console,it always
show 1.2.1,so mean that my PC is still had GTK1.2.1,right?

Right -- in the sense that you do still have gtk 1.2 on your system.
But if the gtk 2 install was successful, you have that too.  This will
not be shown by the command "gtk-config", which is specific to 1.2 and
no longer used in 2.0.  (This has the useful effect that you can both
run and compile gtk 1.2 and gtk 2.0 programs on the same system,
without their interfering with each other.)

The new "config" mechanism is pkg-config.  To test that your gtk 2.0
installation is ready for compiling apps, try

pkg-config --modversion gtk+-2.0

On my home system I see:

myrtle:~$ pkg-config --modversion gtk+-2.0

You can also do:

pkg-config --cflags gtk+-2.0
pkg-config --libs gtk+-2.0

Allin Cottrell

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