Re: g_object_class_install_property

On Sat, 2003-08-23 at 05:45, Mikoyan wrote:
On Fri, 2003-08-22 at 19:05, Russell Shaw wrote:

The advantages over just whatever->member or whatever_get_member (); is
ease of creating language bindings, ease of apps like Glade mapping the
Glade UI to your object's properties, consistency with the rest of
GObjects, easy custom initialization of (construct-time) properties,
getting notification of changes, and not having to export, or even
write, accessor functions (as it can all be contained in

// Application code that uses MyObject...
static void
myobject_notify_property_name_cb (GObject *obj,
                                  GParamSpec *pspec,
                                  gpointer user_data)
    gpointer some_val = my_object_get_property_name (MY_OBJECT (obj));

    /* do something with "some_val", like save state, create a new
     * object, validate the value against something else, or
     * whatever. */

static void
create_object (gpointer initial_val)
    GObject *myobj, *something_else;

    myobj = g_object_new (MY_TYPE_OBJECT, "property-name", initial_val,
    g_signal_connect (myobj, "notify::property-name",
                      G_CALLBACK (myobject_notify_property_name_cb),

    // and other junk... :-)

As an example, GtkCellRenderer & it's subclasses don't have any
(get|set)_<whatever> functions, it's all done with (a lot of) GObject

Oh yeah, and you can set a bunch of properties with one function call

/me blushes at refs to the gtcpsocket subclassing tutorial ;-)


    Jim Cape

    "It is literally true that, like Christianity, Socialism
     has conquered the world by defeating itself."
        -- Alexander Berkman, ABC of Anarchism

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