gtk_signal_connect_object () problem

hello, i'm new to GTK programming.
i guess i have problem with gtk_signal_connect_object, according to GTK reference manual, the syntax for gtk_signal_connect_object is
gtk_signal_connect_object( GtkObject *object, const gchar *name, GtkSignalFunc func, gointer func_data);
how can i pass more than one value on func_data ?
i'm having a problem with passing values from some GtkEntry and GtkCList on func_data.
i can't append the data on the clist, but the mysql stuff works fine ( i checked this before ).
my guess is the func_data, as i pass value for the entry_name, not the clist value.
i need help regarding this.
here is my code (modified from original GtkCList sample code):
void button_search_clicked ( gpointer clist )
        GtkWidget       *entry_name;
        char    *name;
        name = gtk_entry_get_text(GTK_ENTRY(entry_name));
        int err = 0;
        if(name == NULL)
        { printf("Please Enter A Name!"); }
        MYSQL   *dbase;
        dbase = mysql_init(NULL);
        if(!dbase) err = 1;
        if(mysql_real_connect(dbase,"localhost","root","","db_book",0,NULL,0) == NULL)   err = 1;
                printf("Error connecting to database\n");
        sprintf(sqlbuff,"SELECT * FROM book_inv WHERE name LIKE '%%%s%%'", name);
                printf("SQL error Or Field Doesn't Exist\n",sqlbuff);
        int     nrows;
        MYSQL_RES       *result;
        result = mysql_store_result(dbase);
        nrows = mysql_num_rows(result);
        if(nrows == 0)
        { printf("Error!\tNo entries For Name: %s",name); }
                int     i;
                MYSQL_ROW       *row;
                for (i=0;i<nrows;i++)
                           row = mysql_fetch_row(result);
                           gtk_clist_append( (GtkCList *) clist, row[1]);
in the main function i put this:
gtk_signal_connect_object(GTK_OBJECT(button_search), "clicked",
                                        (gpointer) entry_name);

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