GList and GtkTreeView problems

I'm trying to create a directory tree with a GtkTreeView. I have a
GList, which put all the directory names for the level we're at into,
sort it, and then add it to the iterator that was just expanded of the
GtkTreeView. This works for the first 2 levels fine, but for some reason
on the next level (i.e. if I were to go to /home/baver), the values in
the GList are either a) duplicated or b) not ones I added. The links
below go to the specific file that the functions that handle this are
in, and to a tarball I've made of the entire thing.

(Just a note -- if you get the entire tarball + try to run it, I don't
have anything in the function that handles row_collapse, so expanding a
row twice will cause the directories to be listed twice. Sorry if that
was confusing, If you do that you'll understand). (around line 200 is where
the values are added to the GList, and right below is where they are
read + put into the GtkTreeView)

using gtk+-2.2.0, glib 2.2.0

Richard Baverstock <baver thebeever com>

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