customizing an editable TreeView

Hi, I have a editable TreeView and when I use the keyboard arrows to
move the focus in the cells I need to press the Enter key to actually
edit the content of that cell.

What I want to do is avoid this enter keypress. In other words,
everytime a cell gets the focus it actually enters in edit mode.

AFAIK to put a cell in edit mode i need to call the
gtk_cell_renderer_start_editing function. This is what the
TreeViewColumn objects of the TreeView object do when the user click on
an editable cell.

I have read the key_press event callback of TreeView and it just checks
for GDK_Left and GDK_Right key press events (with some modifiers) but
not for the GDK_Enter key press. So I wonder several things:

- Why the cells enter in edit mode when the user press the enter key if
there is no callback in the TreeView that checks for that key?

- Which event should i use to implement my desired behaviour?

Thanks in advance

Note: Is this the right list for this question or should i use

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