Re: command line parameters

I hate asking questions, especially when I think the answer is out there, I just have not found it!

I would like to use the functions in libart but I need to mix them with Pango and gdk_draw* (not so important). Near as I can tell, libart does not have any rendering functions that will take a GdkDrawable/GC pair. I know that I can render into an RGB array and then draw that using gtk_draw_rgb_* but that would not handle alpha blending between paths unless I can get Pango and gdk_draw* to write to an RGB array.

I guess the question is there a way to create a GdkPixmap with public data array?

It also appears that the expose event buffers the drawing. Ideally, it would be nice to be able to draw to that off-screen bitmap using libart instead of using 2 buffers and lots of unnecessary copying!

Anyone offer any suggestions, or things to persue? My last resort would be to drop Pango for FreeType and roll my own gdk_draw (they are pretty minor routines that we are using) but obviously would prefer to use as high a level as I could. I'm still not sure Pango is going to work for us because it is so high level but restrictive in it's abilities, but that is for another day :-)

Thanks in advance,
Deron Kazmaier

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