Re: Multilayer text possibilities ?

Am Don, 2002-09-26 um 13.53 schrieb Pierre MAZIERE:
i'm looking for a way to have multilayer text possibilities with gtk2:

Take a look at GnomeCanvas.

i will :) but i'd rather like a widget independant from gnom (gtk only)

what i try to have is having 3 strings of X characters each, and to
display a superposition of these strings in a text widget; the character
1 of string1 will be displayed on the top of the character1 of string 2.

You need a fixed-font.

Moreover, when if i select one or several characters from this display in
order to make a cut/paste i would like to be able to access the 2 strings

I don't understand this feature.
Do you mean you make 1 selection and get 2 strings back ?

yes !
to be more concrete i want to be able to write in hebrew. In case you don't 
now hebrew is composed of letters and points that are the vowels. More over
you can had cantillation mark in the text to indicate how the text have to be
sing. The vowels are optionnal when you write in hebrew. 
So that mean you can represent an hebrew text using three strings: one for the
consonants, one for the vowels and one for the cantillation marks.
I did not find any unicode editor that allow to write hebrew with this

If you want to do this I think you need to program it all by hand:
(I don't think standard cut/paste would work)

eventboxes, get selected area, get elements ...

ok thanks for your reply

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