Re: Cast from gchar* to int?

William L. Thomson Jr. wrote:


On Tue, 2002-09-24 at 15:13, Martyn Russell wrote:
It looks to me like you are using the wrong control. Perhaps you want a spin button? This would mean you could guarantee an integer and not a string with other character (not 0-9) AND you can get an int using a gtk function call:

I had thought about it, but prefer the look of the regular text field. I
have buttons that will handle the incrementing up or down, as well as
extracting the relevant data from a database and filling in all
appropriate fields
there is also a function to get it as a float. Remember if using this control to call _gtk_spin_button_set_numeric_ to make sure it ONLY accepts numeric values.

I like that the spin_button can be set to only accept numeric input. I
have not found a similar function call for the regular entry fields.

Now with that said, from playing with the spin_button, is there a way to
not specify a maximum size? The max size will be determined by seeing if
the table in the database has that many rows. I could set it at run
time, but it would be another query. One that I would like to avoid if
I dont think so, the max is what ever you specify and it is a double so you could just make it the maximum possible for a double.?!

I really would like to stick with the standard gtk_entry widget, and not
use the spin_button if I can. It should be possible, no?
If you're not worried about actually entering anything into the textbox (i.e just using the buttons to increment and decrement) you could always just use a gtk_adjustment which isnt visible to the end user and you could control it yourself and make your own simple version of the spinbutton. ?

I am not really worried about non numeric input, because only
intelligent people will be using this app internally. We know to only
put numeric input in numeric fields.

I just really would like to know how to convert a char* to an int, and
why the atoi functions and others will not do this for me. Not to
mention why they output 0.

If I test with a regular numeric string and convert to an int/long/etc
using the atoi/atol/etc functions it works. If I swap out my hard coded
numeric string with the input from the gtk_entry field I get 0.

Really strange and a little frustrating.

Thanks for your input though, I may still have to use the spin_button,
so thanks for the suggestion.

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