Re: Pop-pup on button pressed.


 I have foudn the solution to the problem I posted.

 I just got one response and I thought it to be wrong ... Here is the correct
one. (Thanks for the response anyway.)

on_treeview1_event                     (GtkWidget       *widget,
                                        GdkEvent        *event,
                                        gpointer         user_data)

  GtkWidget* menu = NULL;  /* could have been attached to the user_data */
  if( event->type ==  GDK_BUTTON_PRESS) /* The mouse was clicked. !!! */
        GdkEventButton *bevent = (GdkEventButton *) event; /* so it is a mouse
event and , therefore, safe to cast !!! */
        if(bevent->button == 3)  /*Check to see if it was the right most button
on the mouse  --*/
                menu = create_popup_menu();  /* create the popup menu */
                /* Display the menu ! */
                gtk_menu_popup (GTK_MENU (menu), NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL,
                                bevent->button, bevent->time);
                /* say that we handled the event. and not to propagae down */
                return TRUE;
  return FALSE;

--- Harring Figueiredo <harringf yahoo com> wrote:


 I have a GtkTreeview (Table) and would like to popup a menu when the right
button on the mouse is pressed.
  Any example of his ?

 The same thing with a GtkTextView.



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