Re: Struct Example

you want to know how to make
a `class' in Gtk using
structs in C.

Its actually quite complicated
and I wont put it into the
scope of this mail.

Basicly the structure goes like this:

typedef struct {
  GtkWidget widget; // parent instance 
                    // memory section

/* ... the members of your object's
        instance ... */
} GtkDerived;

typedef struct {
  GtkWidgetClass parent_class;
  /* methods and data from your class */
} GtkDerivedClass;

So an object in Gtk consists
of an instance structure and
a class structure.

        The actual implementation is complicated.
It is quite trivial to copy-paste class/instance
initializers etc.. and write your own objects like
that (and I recommend you start that way).

For information on the implementation
start here:


Pablo Fischer wrote:


Now, Im learning how to create structs (I know how to create classes,
but I never seen structs) but I would like to have an idea of how does
it (a struct) works in work in gtk2.

Someone have a complete example of a struct in gtk2?


Paul Fischer

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