Re: gtk.h cannot be found

ssams wrote:

Hi to you all from me, new gtk user.
I have compile gtk,atk,glib,pango. gtk-demo run succesfully, so testgtk. But when i try to compile simple hello.c system cannot found gtk/gtk.h. Are there anybody have a little freetime for me..?

You must have pkg-config correctly installed in order to compile with gtk+-2.0 library.
What does the `pkg-config --cflags gtk+-2.0` say ?

1. Read about compiling gtk+-2.0 applications. 2. Locate your gtk+-2.0 headers. Usual location - "/usr/local/include/gtk-2.0/gtk". 3. Check pkg-config file describing gtk+-2.0. Usual location - "/usr/local/lib/pkgconfig/gtk+-2.0.pc". 4. Check PKG_CONFIG_PATH enviromnent variable, there must be a path to "gtk+-2.0.pc" file.
5. Read this mail-list archives there're many similar posts.


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