Threads in GTK goofing up expose event


I am trying to implement threads in my app.  Basically, it seems to be
working fine, except it is not processing the expose event properly
(i.e., when I put another window in front of my app and then move it out
of the way, my app will only redraw some of the widgets some of the
time, while other widgets remain greyed out).  However, it is processing
mouse clicks just fine (even though a widget is greyed out, I can click
on it, and it works fine).  Basically, I am set up just like the thread
example in the GTK FAQ (which I ran, and it worked fine):

with one (apparent) exception; I am using normal pthreads mutexes and
semaphores inside my worker thread (as opposed to using only
G_LOCK()/G_UNLOCK() and gdk_threads_enter()/gdk_threads_leave() as per
the example).  Does anyone have any idea what my problem is, and
specifically, if it is related to the use of stock pthreads calls?


Neil Hodge

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