Re: gtk2 gtk_treeview problem

The gtk_tree_model_get_iter_from_string function isn't meant to find an iter from a string actually IN the 
store.  It is meant to find the iter of a path by a string, for example, 1:3:2 refers to the 1st node down 
(i.e. not sure if it starts from 0 or 1) 3rd node down on the  sublevel of the previous node, and 2nd down on 
the next sublevel from that.

If you want to find an item with the text you specify, you will have to iterate through the list and get the 
information in the model and compare it...



 from:    stephane <f84sbh worldonline fr>
 date:    Mon, 14 Oct 2002 09:19:03
 to:      gtk-app-devel-list gnome org
 subject: Re: gtk2 gtk_treeview problem


i have a little problem

i need to update my treeview from a string type char *.
but when i try to uppade the treeview via gtk_tree_store_append .....
my view don't start where i want

for the treeview start where i want i must use
gtk_tree_model_get_iter_from_string(GtkTreeModel, GtkTreeIter *iter, 
const gchar *path);

but path is for example "0:3:4"

how i can obtain this with a string lok like "/home/users" ?????


best regards stephane

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