Re: how to set treeview and drawarea in same position?

    thanks for you reply, but in box or table, two widget are in different cells, I want to put a treeview on 
a drawingarea,  example: drawingarea at {10,10,300,300} and treeview at { 50,50,200,200}. how can I do this 
in gtk?

chen.shengqi wrote:

Dear sirs:
       I want to place a treeview in center of a drawingarea some time(treeview  is smaller than 
drawingarea ) , but the container can only accept one object, How can I overcome this?  In windows, you 
can place as many object as you want in a container.

I hope I understand your question right (and I have to doubt it whenever 
I think the question is simple enough for me to answer it). To overcome 
the limitation of one widget per container, you can use widgets like 
boxes and tables - they can take multiple widgets. After that, you can 
put the box or table into a container. I don't know anything about 
programming in windows, but I guess it's quite different than GTK. 
Therefore, it would be best to read the GTK tutorial which you can find 
on to learn the basic concepts before attempting more 
complicated stuff. (Basic concepts, so it happens, are my entire 
knowledge of GTK :-) )

Horror Vacui

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