Re: installation problems

I think:

 A) Some paragraph breaks
 B) Some more details

Would be useful :-)

 - Pango supports --disable-qt that you can use if the Qt checks
    succeed but actual compilation of the example using Qt fails.
 - What operating system? if Linux, what distribution? What
   version of the distribution?
 - What RPM did you try installing? What it for your distribution?
 - What complains that you don't have /etc/pango/pango.modules?
 - What was the exact error message?


Brandon McCombs <brandon ovnet com> writes:

My problem is that pango (tarball) won't install b/c it complains there
is somethign wrong with my Qt installation. I'm using Qt 3.0.3 and even
3.0.1 and 2.x version of the qstyle.h file that pango complained about
didn't work. So I tried using the binary for pango(rpm). For some odd
reason it complains I don't have /etc/pango/pango.modules file which
makes me wonder because I would have thought it came with pango, right?
Obviously not, stupid me for thinking a pango file not being installed
by a pango package. So I create that directory/file and then it
complains of /usr/bin/pango-querymodules. So I gave up that at that
point based on the shittiness of how this is all setup. So then I try
gtk2 rpm just to see what will happen. Lo and behold it complains that I
don't have /etc/gtk-2.0/gtk.immodules. I create that directory/file and
then I'm told that I don't have /usr/bin/gtk-query-immodules-2.0. Oddly
enough I would have thought I'd be getting that file with gtk2 instead
of needing it to even install gtk2.  Of course to top it off when I try
to erase the rpm packages for gtk2 and pango I'm told their not
installed even though I have to use the --force option to retry after
the first try since rpm tells me that pango and gtk2 actually are
installed. Imagine that, rpm doesn't even know what's going on. Now I
know why I don't ever use rpm.

anyone got any ideas on how/where I'm supposed to get those files for
pango and gtk2 so that the rpms can be installed?

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