G_LIST_REMOVE not working... at least not for me :-)

Here is a snippet of code form my app:

mainConnMgmtComboList = g_list_remove
                                gtk_combo_set_popdown_strings (GTK_COMBO
(mainConnMgmtCombo), mainConnMgmtComboList);

appCURMGMTHOST is a string.  I am able to add the
string to my combo box with g_list_append, and it
works fine.  But when I try to remove the exact same
string with g_list_remove, it doesn't seem to work. 
In other words, my combo box still contains the same
information... nothing was removed.

If the above snippet of code is incorrect, would
someone please reply with a small snippet to
demonstrate the proper way to use g_list_remove?



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