Re: Sockets and g_io_channel

        If the server is meant to support multiple users this might not work as
expected. Your original idea was someone correct:

1. sock = socket()
2. bind(sock, ...)
3. listen(sock, ...)
4. ioch = g_io_channel_new (sock, ...)
5. in io_channel callback -> conn = accept (sock, ...)
5.1 in io_channel callback -> new_io = g_io_channel_new (conn, ...)

        that way you have one socket constantly listening for new connections
and all the sockets returned by accept will be connection to clients.

        HTH, Mitko

On 08 Nov 2002 08:26:06 +0100
Juan Agüí wrote:

   > El vie, 08-11-2002 a las 01:21, chen.shengqi escribió:
   > > you should accept a connect from remote then Create a
g_io_channel with the connected socket fd.
   > > connfd = accept(...)
   > > newiochnl = =g_io_channel_new(connfd )
   > > 
   > Good idea. Right now i create the socket, attach to a giochannel,
   > await for connection in the watch function . But i think your
   > is far better. Thanks a lot . Juan.
   > > > 

     __  __  __________________ _________
    /  |/  |/  /__/__   ___/  |/  /     /      Dimitar Haralanov
   /          /  /  /  /  /      /  /  /       Software Engineer
  /   /   /  /  /  /  /  /  /\  \  /  /        Tahoe Networks
 /___/___/__/__/  /__/  /__/  |__|___/         mitko tahoenetworks com

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