Re: gtk_init() question

        In UNIX and UNIX like systems all resources 
coresponding to a process are freed when the process exits.
... Not that that's any excuse but its a shortcut.

I was stunned at the initialization of gdk-pixbuf; I couldn't
find any code meant to "uninit". This should obviously be
fixed in the recent versions of GTK seeing as they want to
support apps that interface with multiple X servers.


Razvan wrote:

Sorry about posting so many times :))

I run the code bellow and use libc mtrace facillity:

int main(int argc, char **argv){


it reports that memory was allocated in gtk_init() and never freed at
programe exit.

I look in docs and there isn't a function oposed to gtk_init() to be
called at program exit.

Is this normal ?

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