Re: gth theme question

On Thu, 30 May 2002 17:00:37 +0200
Jakub Lukomski <qba best net pl> wrote:

when i compiled some programs using GTK+-1.2 libs, they used the pre-set 
gtk theme, however after changing to GTK+-2.0, instead of themes the 
winow contents were just plain gray. is it that 2.0 version uses it's 
own themes, or there is some additional function i need to use to make 
the window use the themes?

I've gotten the pixmap themes to work by grabbing the gtk-engines module from
Gnome CVS, and compiling the engine in the "pixbuf" directory (_not_ pixmap,
although the shared library is called pixmap).

I'm using the Mozilla Modern 2 theme with gtk2 now, although I've had to modify
it's RC file a little. The rc file for gtk2 is called '.gtkrc-2.0' instead of

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