Re: Toggle buttons

On Sun, May 05, 2002 at 03:05:02PM -0400, Jim Parker wrote:
G'Day !

I have an arbitrary number of toolbars  with toggle buttons that vary
dynamically based on the program state.  ( I hope you understand that  ;-)

My problem is that only one toogle button may be active at a given time on
any toolbar.  In other words if the user clicks a toggle button all other
toggle buttons must become inactive.  (The use of a radio button is not an

Is there a way to untoggle a button on any visible toolbar, when another
toggle button is selected ?  Any example code around ?

Jim Parker
---end quoted text---

Hi Jim!

With gtk+1.2 you can just use this:

   gtk_toggle_button_set_active (GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON (button_widget), FALSE);

in all toggle buttons you wanna disable..
Yes, it's ugly to call this on a lot of buttons, but I see no other exits..

Marcelo R Leitner <mrl netbank com br>

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