events not getting sent..??

Hi again,

I'm still having problems with by skinny app.

So far i have 2 buttons as pixmaps which have mouse-over, pressed and
normal states. Using the motion_notify and button_press events and
checking positions using event->x and event->y everything works okay.
All that is except tooltips!! Because of the placement of tooltips and
enable/disable of the tooltips must be anchored to the big eventbox
containing all the buttons.

How can i get tooltips working in this scenario?

As a work around, I also tried putting each button GtkImage into an
eventbox and then using the GtkFixed to place the eventbox at the
correct location. This works fine except that when a button_press event
occurs (such as holding the mouse button down, without release) and you
move the pointer out of the eventbox and into another buttons eventbox
no enter_notify event is sent for the second button.

What the go here? Why doesn't the enter/leave notify get sent to another
eventbox before a release event is sent? Also, if i press and hold then
leave the eventbox and release, it still sends the release event even
though the pointer is no longer in that eventbox. What gives? Surely the
release event should only get sent if the pointer is in that widget when
the release event occurs. Not that this is a big deal, i can work around
this by testing the pointer location upon release.

It appears that i cannot add enter/leave notify events to GtkImages? Is
that right or am i doing something wrong? I set the mask, and then the
signal but nothing happens.



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