Re: Printer Support

On 2002.03.06 21:42 Anita Dixit wrote:
Hi ,

I need to have  printer support for my application.
As far as my knowledge goes , there is no such printer widget directly
available in gtk.
Is there any way to get the print dialog similar to the one available in

Windows using Gtk+.

Could you please help me out here ?


   I've written such dialogs before with GTK+, but needed to
create all the widgets for the dialogs myself.

Depending on what your audiance is, you have several options.

If you are writing for a commercial project or a project with
a wide audiance, you really need to create the dialog yourself.

If you are writing for a novel audiance (a medium sized audiance)
who may have the latest exotic libraries, then you might want
to just try calling an external print program. Such as pdq.

Now what you are printing is a major factor too, if you are
just printing text files then it is very easy.  However if
you are printing images or multi-object documents, then
it gets much more complex.

I've written GTK+ dialogs for printing images and 3d vector

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