Re: GTK or GTK-Gnome

On Sat, 22 Jun 2002, Chris Nystrom wrote:

On Sat, 22 Jun 2002, Edward A. Falk wrote:

That said, I've never encountered anything in Gnome that required the
Gnome desktop.  My desktop is fvwm and I never have any trouble working
with gnome libraries.

Cool. It did not even occur to me that one could use the Gnome libraries
without the Gnome desktop. On the other hand I can not think of anything
that I wanted to do that GTK+ was insufficient, but that is good to know.

Certainly you can! I'm pretty sure you only need the gnome-libs package
installed to be able to run gnome apps. And I think most of the
distributions do by default install the minimum libs needed to be able to
run gnome (and kde) apps even if you don't want the whole desktop.

I run (from time to time) kde only apps and my desktop is gnome. I know 
people run my (gnome) apps on boxen with kde desktops...

Oh, yes, someone complained about nautilus screwing with the desktop. 
There is a config option to nautilus, preferences->windows&desktop->use 
nautilus to draw the desktop. Maybe disabling that would help?

Tomi Manninen           Internet:  oh2bns sral fi
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