Here ya go I have also added how you can change the
bg colour an all:
gchar * titles[2] = {"Message Number", "Message"
GtkWidget * myclist = gtk_clist_new_with_titles (
2, titles);
for(int i =0; i<10;++i)
gchar *Temp[2] = {"message",
int row = gtk_clist_append (
GTK_CLIST ( myclist ) , Temp );
GdkColor color = { 0 , 0xffff ,
0 , 0};
gtk_clist_set_background(GTK_CLIST( myclist ), row, &color);
Ian Frawley
Software Development (INAP / CPS) Opal Telecom Tel: 0161 2222122 Mobile: 07866 437132 e-mail: ifrawley opaltelecom co uk web: |