Re: Changing color for a peculiar GtkCellRendererText

Julien Portalier wrote:

I dare say I'm completely lost with the new GtkTree code of GTK2.0...
I've been able to set everything, and things looks like to work

But, i would like to be able to set a foreground color to a text in a
particuliar GtkCellRendererCell, i can do it quite easily when creating
the GtkListStore, by changing the property "foreground" (that's python
code) :

// Creating GtkTreeView object :
treeview = gtk.TreeView( gtk.ListStore( gobject.TYPE_STRING,
        gobject.TYPE_STRING, gobject.TYPE_STRING, gobject.TYPE_STRING,
        gobject.TYPE_STRING, gobject.TYPE_STRING, gobject.TYPE_STRING ) )
treeview.set_rules_hint( gtk.TRUE )
treeview.set_search_column( COL_Line )
cell = gtk.CellRendererText()

// Setting a foreground color (red) to the cell's text :
cell.set_property( "foreground-set", gtk.TRUE )
cell.set_property( "foreground", "#ff0000" )

column = gtk.TreeViewColumn( '', cell, text=COL_Line )
column.set_sizing( gtk.TREE_VIEW_COLUMN_FIXED )
column.set_fixed_width( 30 )
column.set_clickable( gtk.TRUE )
treeview.append_column( column )

But, i'd like to be able to change the foreground color whenever i want,
and not only during creation... the best way to achieve it would be to
change properties like above, but i can't find a way to get the
GtkCellRenderer Object for a peculiar cell ... something like :
cell = TreeView.get_Model().get_cell_renderer_text( iter, column )
cell.set_property( "foreground-set", gtk.TRUE )
cell.set_property( "foreground", "#ff0000" )

Is there another way to achieve this, or did i miss something in Gtk+
2.0 API Ref. ?
thx in advance,

You can do this by setting: gtk_tree_view_column_set_cell_data_func handler.

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