Re: Re: where are the (help, etc.) files?

I always liked the use of GNU's stow program.

Basic summary:  Everything is stowed in it's own directory tree under the
/usr/local/stow root.  Stow creates symlinks to the proper locations
(/usr/local/bin, /usr/local/lib/, /usr/local/man, etc. ).  Uninstalling the
app is just a matter of removing the symlinks.

Jim Parker

On Sat, 13 Jul 2002, TK wrote:
Date: Sat, 13 Jul 2002 18:33:08 -0600
To: gtk-app-devel-list gnome org
From: TK <tony kwok 3web net>
Sender: gtk-app-devel-list-admin gnome org
Subject: Re: where are the (help, etc.) files?

As a user I despise "environment variables" - imagine 
keeping them correct and current when there are scores 
of different application on a computer. And there is no 
guarantee that their names will not collide. Thus I much 
prefer to assume only that there will be some fixed 
relationship between the executable and its auxilliary 
(help, overall configuration, maker's plate, etc.) files.
Perhaps they cohabitate in the same directory. Then
(from the command line at the initialization time -
 if there is no other way)  I get the path to the executable 
and open the required files. As long as there is a simple 
message - something like:  "xyzApp initialization error: 
unable to find xyzAppHelp.html in the same directory 
as xyzApp) there is hardly ever a problem, even if the 
used moves or renames the files.

BTW - is there a POSIX (Linux, Unix...) equvalent of Win32
GetModuleFileName() or Macintosh CFBundleGetMainBundle() 
call to return full path to the current executable? 

Anthony K. Transportation Systems - no HTML mail please. 
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