Re: Global window???

On Mon, Feb 25, 2002 at 05:58:58PM +0000, Mauro Romano Trajber wrote:
Hi all
im building a program using  Glade , but i've a problem .
My program has the main window - window1 (Always Open!!!) with one
Clist and one button (button_window1)
Another window - window2 with one Text Entry and one
When button_window1 are clicked the window2 open .
OK , now the problem :
How can i "send" the text in the text_entry in window2 to Clist in
---end quoted text---
Well, just make a callback from button_window2 that do that, using the functions gtk_entry_get_text () and 
gtk_clist_something (I didn't take a look at clists yet..)
Just look the API, it's easy..

Marcelo R Leitner <mrl netbank com br>
ICQ #: 29966851

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