Re: gui interface with gtk

On Mon, 18 Feb 2002 17:18:13 +0100
"Luis Mejias" <lmejias disam etsii upm es> wrote:

FG, so a while loop call this method, to display images continously. The
problem is when i lanch the program i can't see the buttons, bars, etc from
try using gtk_timeout_add instead of a while loop, the while loop is probably
avoiding the gtk_main loop to happen... something like:

int dto;

void testrgb_rgb_test (GtkWidget *drawing_area){
   /* calls testrgb_rgb_cb every 100 miliseconds) */
   dto = gtk_timeout_add (100, testrgb_rgb_cb (drawing_area);

int testrgb_rgb_cb (gpointer data)
     GtkWidget *drawing_area = (GtkWidget*) data;

     SiguienteFrame();    /*read images from the FG*/
       gdk_draw_gray_image (drawing_area->window,
          0, 0, WIDTH+10, HEIGHT+10, GDK_RGB_DITHER_NONE,
          bufIm, WIDTH);

        return TRUE; /* tells gtk_timeout that he should continue calling me */

    Gustavo Noronha Silva - kov <>
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