glib binary trees

Hi, it me again with another glib question :-)

I need some FAST data store/retrieval mechanisms, and I am using btrees
now. But I miss one thing, and perhaps you have an idea how to achieve
this without brute force :-)

It would be nice not only to have a function which gets me ONE value
to ONE certain key, but some functions like 

        key = g_tree_get_next_key(key *min)

which returns the key *next to* the key min. 

in example: (stupid, but simple): 
imagine a list of all icq users just online in germany. now I want to
have all users with an id greater 1000000. (if 10^6 is stored, than its
easy. but if not, well, what then? in a larger dataset (i.e. IP adresses
of people using a heavy loaded system) I do not see a possibility
without extending glib, but this is a thing I try to avoid :-)

Greetings and thanks in advance, 


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