Re: libpango1.0-0 warnings !!

My Inbox Happily Received This From Fernando Alencar Maróstica @ 07 Dec 2002 15:06:55 -0200

hello all!

When I running my program, the follow warnings is show:

** (marc21-editor-gui:754): WARNING **: Invalid UTF8 string passed
to pango_layout_set_text()

Code Part of my Software:

static GArray *lider05 = NULL;

static void
    TreeItem novo_item;
    lider05 = g_array_sized_new (FALSE, FALSE, sizeof (TreeItem), 1);
    g_return_if_fail (lider05 != NULL);

    novo_item.opcoes = g_strdup ("A");
    novo_item.descricao = g_strdup ("ÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉ'ÓÓÓÓÓÓÓ");
    novo_item.repetitivo = TRUE;
    novo_item.ativo = TRUE;
    novo_item.editavel = TRUE;
    novo_item.children = NULL;
    g_array_append_vals (lider05, &novo_item, 1);

    novo_item.opcoes = g_strdup ("Z");
    novo_item.descricao = g_strdup ("ÇÇÇÇÇÇÇ EÉÉÉÉ ÉÉÉ'ÚÚÚÚÚÚÚ");
    novo_item.repetitivo = TRUE;
    novo_item.ativo = TRUE;
    novo_item.editavel = TRUE;
    novo_item.children = NULL;
    g_array_append_vals (lider05, &novo_item, 1);

I need use libpango for make works fine? That's functions? Anyone
known any sample for this??

Have fun!

The strings you are passing are non UTF-8 strings, either use a unicode text editor
or use g_convert() to convert the strings from your encodings to the UTF-8 encoding ;)

hope this helps!

-- Katoob Main Developer
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ICQ # 58475622
FIRST  make  it  run, THEN make it run fast "Brian Kernighan".

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