Re: How to prevent a new window to get the window manager focus

Joaquín Cuenca Abela <cuenca pacaterie u-psud fr> writes:
cf. subject.

I have a program that creates a new window, but I want to prevent the
window manager from focusing the new created window.

Anybody knows how to do that without running in race conditions, and
being wm independent?

I don't think it's possible, even if you mark the window not focusable
(which requires deep unsupported GDK hackery and direct Xlib use to
change the "input" flag in WM_HINTS I think), Sawfish for example has
a "give focus to windows that haven't asked for it" option.

Btw, yes, I have a good reason.  That's not a "keep consistency with
other apps and let the wm decide" kind of question.

Is the reason something other people will encounter? If so perhaps
this should be added to the WM spec.


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