I want to compile my project under Linux, but i have this error.

 Ok... I write my code for gtk+-2.0 and the command that I use is:

   gcc -o plotter plotter.c 'pkg-config --cflags --libs gtk+2.0'

   and the compiler dont understand the 'pkg-config --cflags --libs gtk+-2.0' 
because this say

   the directory doesn't exists.

   I try use:

   pkg-config --cflags --libs gtk2+-2.0 and the libraries are finded.

   somebody know the stream of this error.

   /* I was using VC++ for compile this program and this compile and run fine, 
but now i want to compile under 
      RedHat Linux 7.2, at this time I have installed the gtk2, gdk2, glibc2 
and pkg-config by the disc 2 */

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