Re: Unlinking a notebook page

On Tue, 26 Mar 2002 21:45:12 +0100, Dr. Peter Rottengatter <peter arisia rottengatter de> wrote:

Now I've mentioned gtk_notebook_remove_page above, which I looked at a bit
closer. I found that saying it discards the removed page is not quite right.
In fact I can obtain a pointer to the page-top-level widget (the one that's
been inserted into the notebook using gtk_notebook_append_page), then remove
that page, and I can still play with the page sub-tree.

? discarded = deleted = deallocated ?
A widget will not be deleted until its reference count is zero. If you
increment the reference count on a widget then when you remove it from
some container (like a packing box or notebook) then the widget will not
be deleted.

Good point. I did not increase (or decrease, for that matter) the reference 
count at all. However, the code for creating the window with all it's contents
(packing boxes, notebook, labels etc.) is written by Glade, so I should check
if that increments the ref count.

Glade does some pretty interesting stuff: On every single widget that's created
by it (i.e. the source code created by Glade),

  gtk_widget_ref (mt_flag_acp);
  gtk_object_set_data_full (GTK_OBJECT (magic), "mt_flag_acp", mt_flag_acp,
                            (GtkDestroyNotify) gtk_widget_unref);

is called. Now, this puzzles me. Doesn't this just increase the ref level during
normal operation by one, while still fully destroying it upon gtk_widget_destroy
(due to the extra ref count decrease by the callback) ? What is it good for ?

So that would explain why I could still play with the notebook page sub-tree 
(a GtkVBox with children BTW) even though gtk_notebook_remove_page was called
for that page. 

It certainly neatly explains why I could play with the notebook pages even though
I had called gtk_notebook_page_remove previously.

What it does not explain is why problems popped up when I 
gtk_widget_destroyed the window with the notebook from which the page was

... is still an unresolved mystery.

I would think the removal action should sever all the links, i.e.
playing with the (now unlinked) page sub-tree and destruction of the (former)
parent notebook widget along with the widget tree to which it belongs should
be altogether independent ?!

Shouldn't it ?

Another question: What should happen, if I gtk_widget_destroy a window with a 
sub-tree of other widgets that are shown in the window, and one widget further
down in the sub-tree has a reference count of 2 or larger ?

Cheers  Peter
      Dr. Peter Rottengatter       peter rottengatter de

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