Re: GtkCTree sorting slow

On Thu, Apr 04, 2002 at 07:15:28PM +0200, Markus Lausser wrote:
On Thu, Apr 04, 2002 at 02:00:21PM -0300, mrl netbank com br wrote:

Try freeze()'ing the CTree before call the sort function, it will help a lot! :)
But don't forget to thaw() the CTree after this operation..
Btw, these are commands from CList, and not from CTree, but CTree
is implemented based on CList, so you can just cast it.. :)

AFAIK there's no need to freeze() and thaw() cause gtk_clist_sort() does that
itself. And of course there is no drawing done during sorting.

---end quoted text---

Well, I did in my mpg123 frontend and it worked fine with
% find /lan/mp3/ -type f | wc -l

1363 musics sorted by Artist -> Album -> Music, so I have about 1500 items at
my list and it's not slow.. I used freeze() and thaw() becose I saw the scroll
bar changing during a sort..
btw, I'm on a k6-2 400 392mb sis530 8mb shared, so my hardware do not helps..

Marcelo R Leitner <mrl netbank com br>
ICQ #: 29966851

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