learning gtk need example

Hi I'm currently learning C (on AIX) at college and use linux at home. I
use a lot of gtk/gnome apps and want to learn to program in it but am
having some problems and the tutorial on gtk.org hasn't really helped me
much.  I've started using glade to build the interface but need help
with having the app respond to events how I want it to.

If I could get hold of the code for a very simple app to examine I'm
sure that it would answer most of my questions.  Wht I was after was
just a simple app with say a button and a text box.  Clicking on the
button puts a message into the text box.

If someone could email me this code or post it to the list I would be
most grateful.  Thanks in advance.

Darrin Mison
When your only tool is a hammer, all your problems look like nails.
Homepage/PGPkey : http://members.fortunecity.com/darien/

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