On Tue, 2001-08-28 at 17:01, zxf3436 wrote:
How can I get index of text in entry when combox changed example: one combox item has three string:"aaa","bbb","ccc",I can get text in entry ("bbb") when combox changed,but I can't get number 2,any idea?
I've attached a program that does what you're asking. It's not pretty, but then, I don't think there *is* a pretty way to do this...as far as I can see you need to access the list inside the combo to get this. Anyway, the program shows two things: 1. How you look up the index of the entry string (which I think is what you were asking for), and 2. how you can keep track of list-selections in the combo, since that has been discussed resently on the list(s). The select_callback function does the stuff from 2., while the text_changed does the stuff from 1. HTH /mailund -- I used up all my sick days, so I'm calling in dead.
Description: Text Data