"Console" input to a GTK+ program

Hi there;

I am designing a program that reads lines that a user 
types in on a console and, in response to those commends, 
displays various (molecular - not that it matters) 
structures in a graphical window using GTK+. Of course, 
the usual line-editing, history, etc, console facilities 
are highly disirable. 

To complicate things slightly, some of those commands 
require the pointer (mouse) input via the aforementioned 
graphical window. Sometimes, the lines might come not
from the console, but from a 'script' file.

I am trying to avoid the low-level programming associated 
with getting and line-formatting and displaying individual 
key-strokes in the GTK+ event loop. It is almost as if I 
wanted to start the program from the command-line terminal 
window and have gets()'s drive the event-loop. 
Is this possible/practical? Comments, suggestions?

Thanks in advance.

Vazario U. Nabatich - O.S.X. Support Group

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